MBPC 41” MBPC Bands Complete Set


Save with free shipping by purchasing the complete set of MBPC 41″ Bands.

When it comes to judging the effectiveness of a training means or method, you must simply subject the variable in question to the greatest test of all… The test of time. Just like barbells, dumbbells and plates, band training as a form of accommodating resistance has remained a constant in coaching and training toolboxes throughout multiples eras of strength training as they have continually helped lifters and athletes transcend both personal and world records.

The versatility of our 41” PR Bands expands far beyond accommodating resistance and lifting big weights. They are also a training staple for accessory movements both inside and outside of the gym. In the gym, use your 41” PR Bands to assist pull-ups, dips, and push-ups for those that need assistance or add resistance for those with more training experience under their belt. Virtually all accessory exercises can be either duplicated or improved with the use of band tension.

Whenever I travel, I always have a complete set of 41”PR Bands in my carry on. If I cannot make it to a gym, I always have the ability to execute useful training sessions.

When you purchase MBPC 41” PR Bands, you are not only receiving a world-class, highly versatile training tool. You are also purchasing a world-class product at an unbeatable value. Who doesn’t love a high return on investment?

Includes two bands of each size

  • Blue – 64MM (2.50”)
  • Green – 45MM (1.75”)
  • Purple – 29MM (.75”)
  • Black – 19MM (.75”)
  • Red – 13MM (.50”)

Available Options

10 Band Set (2 of each size)$150.00

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